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What Have You Done To Your Coupe Today


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Just wondering how long these pristine looking cars stay that way?  Whenever I clean my cars it rains shortly afterwards and after the first drive it looks as bad as ever.  And if it does not rain either the local birds have bomb aiming practice or a dust storm arrives followed by high winds and bits of tree.  Jealous!

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On 4/13/2017 at 6:55 AM, PaulS said:

Just wondering how long these pristine looking cars stay that way?  Whenever I clean my cars it rains shortly afterwards and after the first drive it looks as bad as ever.  And if it does not rain either the local birds have bomb aiming practice or a dust storm arrives followed by high winds and bits of tree.  Jealous!

NO !,Take heart ! :rolleyes: went out to mine yesterday to get this :angry:




Guess what my job later today is..:P

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I'm in a similar boat to you Paul. There are two trees very close to where i park, one sycamore (so it sheds "helicopters" in the autumn) and not too sure on the other one but both shed blossom and pollen (a thick yellow dust), leaves and if the day-shift parrots sit in the trees, serious bombing practice but the worst of all is the night-shift in the form of an owl with dysentery!

In addition to the dust storms you also suffer, round this neck of the woods we also get something called "Fen Blow" - basically a soil dust storm.

That's the summer months. They grow a lot of sugar beet round here so in the winter when it's harvested, there is a lot of thick black, sticky mud on the roads that has some sort of magnetic attraction to the car.

At any given day in any given season, my car could be brown, green, black/white, yellow, black and if i've only just washed it - gold!

You always know a non-local round here - their car is bright, shiny and clean and the colour it's meant to be! :lol:

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All I can say Dave if I was facing those issues on a daily and seasonal basis they would actually drive me insane :angry:.

Mine gets a wash or wipe down nearly every week but I've promised myself that the 45mins -1hr I spend on it I will start to use that time to do other jobs on the coupe that need doing.....let's see how that lasts.

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2 hours ago, Laird_Scooby said:

If i lived in a town or city (concrete jungle) that would drive me insane so it's horses for courses really Ahsy. ;):D

I was also going to add that if I had the countryside or the coast on my doorstep then I'd snap it up.....I would just adjust to the issues you face in keeping the coupe clean;)

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Today was washday yet again.... all nice and clean again, however, having trouble with my remote in that it doesn't seem to have much range...

how far should it actually go, 10 yards? more? less?

The case / buttons are not great condition so I was thinking on getting a new case... the remote doctor good place?



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Ebay is usually a good source for new cases/buttons Pete if it's a Honda remote, as for the range there's an extremely long-winded answer that i'm not going to type. You should get a minimum of about 5yds on most RF remotes so have you tried new batteries in the fob?

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Aiming straight at the drivers door I've got the remote to work approx 15-18 feet away. If approaching from a different angle then I do have to get very close like 5 feet.

When I had to replace my fob I got this one - www.ebay.co.uk/itm/262191303963

Works well. I did change the battery at the same time too.

Yes the remote doctor is very helpful and he has a whole other fob with new internals so in case yours is actually faulty you can have a fresh start. Apparently its very easy to programme too.

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23 hours ago, Laird_Scooby said:

Ebay is usually a good source for new cases/buttons Pete if it's a Honda remote, as for the range there's an extremely long-winded answer that i'm not going to type. You should get a minimum of about 5yds on most RF remotes so have you tried new batteries in the fob?

The remote has new batts but I think its probably more to do with the location of the remote sensors on the car as kag8 says... my VW van does a lock or unlock at around 50 feet as does the Tourer.

Ebay seems to have a number of cases but the battery is accessed from inside whereas my one is through an aperture on the rear.. ooh err....

Is the Honda issued one the one I have?

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20 hours ago, kag8 said:

Aiming straight at the drivers door I've got the remote to work approx 15-18 feet away. If approaching from a different angle then I do have to get very close like 5 feet.

When I had to replace my fob I got this one - www.ebay.co.uk/itm/262191303963

Works well. I did change the battery at the same time too.

Yes the remote doctor is very helpful and he has a whole other fob with new internals so in case yours is actually faulty you can have a fresh start. Apparently its very easy to programme too.

Yes, this seems to be how mine works too so must be the sensor location, thanks for the link... :D


Have tagged this one from "overseas" looks the same ?  http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/162022360737?_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT


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11 hours ago, kag8 said:

Yup looks the exact same. Go for it.

Done :D

For 1.32 delivered i won't squeak too much if it's cr@p and i have to throw it away...:rolleyes:

On the other hand if it's ok, useful link for the members on here :lol: to get replacements supplied 

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Hi chaps....

I hope all is well with all? :)

Today, I ordered one of those fancy Keyrings, (thanks to Pete) so I hopefully should be getting that soon... :D

Also, did a little 'Mod' on Beastie today before I washed here as she was well filthy from what I call 'Muddy-Rain' and white soot from someone's fire yesterday! Because of where I park, effectively between 2 walls and a high fence it acts like a dust-trap, so inevitably gets covered in shite! t1949.gif

But it was a nice day outside, so I quite enjoyed it. But a wash was all I could muster after a busy weekend of "trying" to get everything all back in the Kitchen, (albeit unsuccessfully) and trying to entertain my wife's 2 sisters visiting from Portugal for a few days!

But at least looking at the photo's I took cheered me up a bit..... Of which I will share with you now. ;)









I wonder who spots it first...... :D


NB. I tell you one thing though, and that is a "Post-Preview" Button... :(:( (Unless I'm missing something...???).



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1 hour ago, kag8 said:

Hi Bill. The coupe looks amazing.

Is it the red Honda logo? Vtec logo?

Give this man a Banana! :D Yes, found it on Ebay and couldn't resist for £1.39 delivered from HK. ;) And it's metal.

A bit bigger than I imagined, but what the heck! Also came with Cut-out DS Tape! Bargain!


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I've got the two original fobs and you have to get close to the car with both of them. It's always been this way. I've just assumed that it's just how it is with these fobs. The holding it to the head trick works for extending the range though. 

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14 hours ago, davebrads said:

I've got the two original fobs and you have to get close to the car with both of them. It's always been this way. I've just assumed that it's just how it is with these fobs. The holding it to the head trick works for extending the range though. 

Cheers, just confirms all is ok with mine :D

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Well today was a bit of messy day, decided to wash the car then check oil water etc.....

Pulled the internal bonnet latch, went around front , couldn't move the secondary latch to lift the bonnet.:angry:

It had seized closed but after a bit of huffing, applying pressure one way and then the other i got it to move enough to lift the lid :D

Half an hour with the BH ferrosol got it moving enough to strip and clean it. 

Very odd that its been no problem since i got it and i usually have the bonnet up each week to check no-one has nicked the engine :rolleyes::P

Whilst in the engine bay i drew the last 250ml of power steering fluid out, its really got a clean red tinge now :D

Carried on with the leather repair to the bolster and also had a good clean of the inside of the rear window...how do you get down to the bottom bit? Hidden behind the Bose speakers? 

Quick blast out tonight to check headlight adjustment,  still not quite right but getting there, also had to check if the vtec was still working:lol:

And that was me done for today,,,,, national Drive it Day tomorrow, ,get out there and burn some rubber, and gojuice of course !!!

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I didn't do anything to my Coupé today but something to my Sterling inspired by a recent task on the Coupé - renewed the boot seal.

Also deafened the neighbours when i moved it as the front flexi section of the exhaust has detached itself from everything behind including the cat so it barks well at the moment - V6 on an open pipe? Lovely! ;):D

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