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What Have You Done To Your Coupe Today


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Thanks Pete - a long time getting there, partly to make a bespoke bleed cap for the brake reservoir, a bracket to hold it on during bleeding with an Eezibleed and lots of research to try and figure out why the 800 (and presumably Legend too) has a reputation for being an absolute pig to bleed!

Interestingly on the front calipers, once i opened the bleed nipples before winding the pistons in, i got some fluid out into the bleed tube. Bear in mind i ran the tube upwards for a few inches so any fluid would sit in it and form a non-return valve of its own, i could then see any bubbles that came out.

As i wound the piston in, one large bubble came out confirming (or at least providing evidence) of an airlock in the front calipers which i've theorised is part of the piston bore that sits above the bleed nipple when the calipers are in the normal position. By lifting the calipers up, the fluid comes in from the flexi and goes towards the piston bore and the bleed nipple - with the calipers in the normal position, any air can sit in the bore above the level of the bleed nipple.

Retract the piston fully and there's no room for air. Lift the caliper so the nipple is vertical and the air has to go upwards.

Had similar on the back ones too, although not quite such a big bubble, perhaps because the nipple is at the 2 o'clock and 10 o'clock position on the left and right caliper respectively.

Worth bearing in mind on other models, if it is, as i suspect, a deliberate design fault to discourage the home mechanic from servicing their brakes, it could cause a lot of headaches! ;):D

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Had this on some motorcycles too, needing to get the caliper up to bleed them. Used to wind piston in, jam piece of wood in larger than the disc and hang caliper off handle bars !!! Once bled the wood was removed and the caliper dropped back over the disc and brake pumped to normal position ! 

The other trick was to pull the front brake on hard and tie it there overnight,.....with cars, concrete block, or two, on the pedal the idea being that the air bubble was under pressure and would retreat back up to the master cylinder....all worked great on the old stuff, I suspect not as much on new !!!

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Wedging the brake pedal down overnight does sometimes work on modern cars, not such a surefire way of doing it because of things like ABS, traction control and so on. It opens up the m/cyl to the braking circuits so air can often find its way back up. That said, many manufacturers are building loops into the hard lines so that once the bubble reaches them from the m/cyl, it will rise there and then get pushed down again on the next part during bleeding. Usually from what i've seen, the hard line goes down below the level of the flexi start then comes back up to the flexi. After being forced down this low, when the bubble meets the part that rises to the flexi it shoots up and helps the bleeding process.

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Final report on this, after torquing the wheel nuts today and emptying the boot of the various tools i unceremoniously dumped in there last night, i took it for a proper test drive to collect my winnings from the lottery last night. Nothing exciting, just a free Lucky Dip and a fiver rolldown bonus.

Anyway, even with the slight springiness from the new pads, the brakes are so much better than they've ever been in this car. The old front pads were starting to crumble around the edges (they were in there when i bought the car nearly 14 years ago!) and the rear right caliper and/or pads was just starting the sieze (caught it in time so it hasn't though) so there's a bit of a scuffing where the new pads are contacting corrosion on the discs. This should disappear soon though.

The difference in braking is like going from an ancient typewriter to a touch-screen device, literally just touch them now and i can feel it! Handbrake is vastly improved too!

Very pleased with the results of my various efforts to get things right and now shocked at how many 800s are running around with brakes that although fully serviceable, could be so much better! :o

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Today was a minor thing or two checking fluids etc but also to install my second Nextbase wiring kit in the Coupe.  Only the cigarette lighter connection but required some thought on losing the cable into the trim so it doesn't hang across the dash and up the windscreen!!! 🙄

The idea here is to be able to take camera out of the Elysion and into the Coupe and vice versa. Can't really justify two cameras and as I can only drive one vehicle at a time, no problem. 

All going swimmingly until the connection at the cigar lighter came around.  I use a three way adapter in the Elysion,  one for the camera, one for the phone and one to charge an led worklight. 

Well it doesn't fit in the area of the cigarette lighter in the Coupe...I tried all sorts of combinations until in the end I thought I could probably manage with a two way adapter and resolved to get one....

Just at that point I noticed the additional,  standard, 12v power plug located next to the heated seats switches.... 

🤫  Doh. !!!!

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2 hours ago, hughezee said:

I have the cameras hard-wired in 😉 easily switched between motors if needed, I got the nextbase kits from ECP too.👍

Haven't hard wired mine in but I have two kits as said , put in behind the panels,  so I can just swap the camera over now.

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Been using the Coupe for work as the Elysion is currently off the road with a steering pump problem.

Been performing faultlessly and even the climate control panel is working happily since being partially dismantled and getting a blast of contact cleaner...or maybe its because I bought a replacement unit just in case 😂

The sunroof has been pretty much open for the last couple of weeks and because its so dry the dirt build up around the rim needed cleaning off,,,,it was then I noticed the rubber surround was also "dry"...

A good bath to get the crust off the rubber and out with the Shinetsu grease and my rubber is soft and floppy again 😉🙃🙄

The good thing is it moves easily without those crusty noises, must have been a couple of years since I did them so maybe I will have a go at the door rubbers too. 

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After the supposed rain expected last night didn't happen yet again it was out with buckets to try and clean the rest of the Coupe ( sunroof last night) never been washed for quite a while, normally done at least every week.

I am shocked to find paint chips through to the primer in at least a dozen places, council road chip shit round our way again, plus ANOTHER new dent forward, of the rear nearside arch. parking dent for sure.

Getting despondent with the paint now, I try to take care of it and every fekker else doesn't care, just glad its not a 40k electric car !!!

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42 minutes ago, PTR200S said:

After the supposed rain expected last night didn't happen yet again it was out with buckets to try and clean the rest of the Coupe ( sunroof last night) never been washed for quite a while, normally done at least every week.

I am shocked to find paint chips through to the primer in at least a dozen places, council road chip shit round our way again, plus ANOTHER new dent forward, of the rear nearside arch. parking dent for sure.

Getting despondent with the paint now, I try to take care of it and every fekker else doesn't care, just glad its not a 40k electric car !!!

Did my sunroof and all other rubbers with Shinetsu not long time ago as well and was so relieved to not hearing my sunroof making squirky noises over speed bumps again especially when you have plethora of them per damn streets surrounded by pot holes..

I feel you on the dent.. despite i'm extremely cautious where i park my car some stupid dorks still manage to found a way to hit it. Since i have the car i got 2 dents this way, one on the right rear body panel and one on the left rear wheel arch just over the tire. I'm sooo pissed off... Now when walking on the streets i have an habit to sometimes look at parked cars and when i see a car dent free i'm like, how the f... hell...🤔

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2 hours ago, PTR200S said:

After the supposed rain expected last night didn't happen yet again it was out with buckets to try and clean the rest of the Coupe ( sunroof last night) never been washed for quite a while, normally done at least every week.

I am shocked to find paint chips through to the primer in at least a dozen places, council road chip shit round our way again, plus ANOTHER new dent forward, of the rear nearside arch. parking dent for sure.

Getting despondent with the paint now, I try to take care of it and every fekker else doesn't care, just glad its not a 40k electric car !!!

Yep, this is one of the reasons why I wouldn't enjoy owning an expensive car: i would just get too cross about every little chip, scratch and blemish.  

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Managed some more painting with my boot spoiler, yes, I know, its taking long enough !!!!

Decided I would look at where to drill the holes, Stu mentioned way back when, that the holes are " marked"

I duly take the inside of the boot lid trim off, about 12 trim studs to remove plus the rear light covers, 2 x 8mm bolts....hmm, can't see anything here....its then I notice that there are two marks in about the right place on the outer edges of the boot......

The boot trim does not cover them up ! Oops !  Put it all back in , dad. 🤭🤭

Still, it was nice to see the inside of the boot lid was totally unmarked and rust free, even the paint was as shiny as the outside of the car is 😎😎

Changed the high level light bulb whilst I was in there, bit flimsy those fittings,  didn't break anything though 🙃

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1 hour ago, welland99 said:

Yep, this is one of the reasons why I wouldn't enjoy owning an expensive car: i would just get too cross about every little chip, scratch and blemish.  

This.........., i am too OCD I have been told, paranoid , mind you everyone is out to get you, 🤬🤬🤬😡😠 including the government 🤪 plus I won't be giving my hard earned for some poxy wheelbarrow/ white goods car anytime soon.

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2 hours ago, KingK0ng said:

 Now when walking on the streets i have an habit to sometimes look at parked cars and when i see a car dent free i'm like, how the f... hell...


I often wonder that too but suspect if they do get a dent they send for a man and his rubber hammers !!!

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Big clean out today,  after using it for work for a month it needs it.!!

Decided to "shampoo " the carpet mats too, come up really well... the ivory colour (original mats) doesn't go to well with everyday use though 🙄

Next up was fluid check and whilst there I sucked all the fluid out of the power steering reservoir and replaced it with new, not particularly dirty but I like to keep on top of it.

Tyres had dropped a couple of pounds but other than that the V6 motor, box and drive train are working great,  as are the new rear brakes installed last year....

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  • 4 weeks later...
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An update on the Coupe....or not I suppose ....... another 3 weeks or so gone by, quick fluid check pump the tyres......

Nothing has gone wrong, squeaked or failed (touch wood !! ) its running great 👌

Just admiring it now.. tee he !!...... 

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Well, I've managed about 800 miles in the last two weeks of really mixed driving which would normally have the fuel gauge plummeting but the car has managed roughly 30mpg.

All Stu's fettling over the lockdown has paid off in higher MPG around town.

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Great news , that,  Kelvin,  haven't checked my mpg recently,  I suspected around 26 for mostly town driving so mixed at 30 sounds good to me 😃...........................when this 10% bioshite fuel comes in it will be down another 1 or 2 mpg.😤

Just have to keep using  superunleaded 😛

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10 hours ago, PTR200S said:

Great news , that,  Kelvin,  haven't checked my mpg recently,  I suspected around 26 for mostly town driving so mixed at 30 sounds good to me 😃...........................when this 10% bioshite fuel comes in it will be down another 1 or 2 mpg.😤

Just have to keep using  superunleaded 😛

I was regularly down to 17mpg around town before, I even once managed 12mpg...

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