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Well today I had a reply to my enquiry for led 580 bulbs that I sent before I decided to stay standard for the time being.


wtf are these people on :angry:

My enquiry      " Hi, Can you tell me the dimensions of the bulb please, total length and diameter.
Got a really tight space to get them into, no more than 45mm length and 20mm diameter


" Hi, Thank you for your enquiry. There are several available technologies for this particular vehicle depending on the specification when new. Please ensure you choose the correct bulb for your exact vehicle specification by removing a bulb currently fitted or by checking your vehicle handbook. Please note we are only able to accept returns if you do not open the packaging of the bulbs so please check any new bulb you purchase against the existing bulb before opening the pack. Alternative bulb manufacturer Osram have a bulb chooser e-catalogue facility on their website which also may assist you "



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2 hours ago, PTR200S said:

Well today I had a reply to my enquiry for led 580 bulbs that I sent before I decided to stay standard for the time being.


wtf are these people on :angry:

My enquiry      " Hi, Can you tell me the dimensions of the bulb please, total length and diameter.
Got a really tight space to get them into, no more than 45mm length and 20mm diameter


" Hi, Thank you for your enquiry. There are several available technologies for this particular vehicle depending on the specification when new. Please ensure you choose the correct bulb for your exact vehicle specification by removing a bulb currently fitted or by checking your vehicle handbook. Please note we are only able to accept returns if you do not open the packaging of the bulbs so please check any new bulb you purchase against the existing bulb before opening the pack. Alternative bulb manufacturer Osram have a bulb chooser e-catalogue facility on their website which also may assist you "



Like others have said, it sounds like an automated response but also it sounds as if they are Chinese - you get to know the phrases after a while so be careful the item is actually in the UK or prepare yourself for a long wait! :o

I think it's pretty diabolical these days that sellers can't be bothered to find things like this out, after all it's not like you're asking for a National Secret!

Well done to Bill for navigating the Osram site - i tried and gave up, i didn't find it very user-friendly and it seemed to go round in circles! :rolleyes:;):D

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1 hour ago, Mangoman said:

Haha that was the ones i was looking at.... thanks for link to tech bit, 47.5mm x 20mm diameter is right on daves dimensions.

Suprisingly that is the supplier i queried, why couldn't they just give out the info without the crap they wrote, ... better still rather than putting the "you must check the dimensions yourself" include it in the bloody advert! I am sure they could sell more if they were more customer focussed.


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Well today I did not a lot........ however, I still need to finish refurbing the wheel centres,

I have been putting off doing anything to them after the initial sanding down/ primering and then first coat of silver... the big ba%%ache is taking the wheels off to knock the centres out.... sometimes a small trim pic will hook them out but its possible to mangle the edge of the plastic centre.

I have done this in the past and thought I might pass it on just in case anyone interested in removing their wheel centres WITHOUT taking the wheels off or knackering the edges trying to pry them out.

I have used a suction cup that is used for removing GU10 type lamps from their holders in the house but by far the best option is to use a small dent puller..

this cheap Rolson dent puller does the job in one without fail. Just hold it against the centre, pull the lever to create the suction and pull... 

I am not trying to teach the "sucking" of the said "centres" :rolleyes:, just passing it on if you haven't heard about it / found it before !:D



Rolson Dent 1.JPG

Rolson Dent 2.JPG

coupe wheel centre.jpg

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Nice idea Pete - i've only got one set of centres that the dent puller/suction cup things i've got will work on in terms of size but not sure if it will work because of the vacuum levels. It has "VOLVO" engraved quite deeply in it so the suction puller might not evacuate enough to create the vacuum it needs to hold tight and pull.

Thanks for the idea though, given me a few more! ;):D

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On 5/29/2017 at 5:16 PM, PTR200S said:

Ordered a couple of standard bulbs for now, at £2.49 delivered I am not going to argue with that...:P

Bulbs arrived............what a pile of cra%

They fit into the holders ok but do NOT click home... this means there is a chance that they will wriggle out of the socket at some point...don't fancy trying to get a bulb out of a light fitting once its dropped off the bulb holder !:rolleyes:

The genuine bulbs have a VERY POSITIVE CLICK and feel firm whereas the new cheapos waggle about once they are fully home.

Once again this is why I tend to buy genuine stuff if I can. although preferably not at "dealer prices" :P

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The second job of the day after the bulb fiasco was to check on my wheel centre caps that I had put the "big H " on and lacquered. .. should be dry now I thought.. oh, nice, they're knackered.... the lacquer has lifted the H and popped it up in little rolls :angry:....and then dried.... arrggh . The decals glue has reacted with the lacquer,  and i mist coated it first and allowed it to dry... must have overdone the next coat and wet it through. .

Ah, well, another job for another day.....:rolleyes:


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In other news a thorough washing of the Coupe took place tonight at 7pm.. at 8.30 I was applying Poor Boys and polishing to a shine, left the wheel centres though :rolleyes:

Tomorrow it goes to a classic car meet so hopefully I can get some pics with some exotica :D

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Got up to sunshine but it rained overnight, one app of Poorboys Blackhole glaze only and no time to do any wax  :( it will have to go to the meet as it is... at least the pidgeons haven't cr£p%ed on it yet :angry:


Coupe Poorboys 2 040617.JPG

Coupe Poorboys 3 040617.JPG

Coupe Poorboys 4 040617.JPG

Coupe Poorboys 5 040617.jpg

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27 minutes ago, hughezee said:

Looking good Pete, looking forward to the exotic shots later :D

Couldn't get the dancers to pose for me :rolleyes::P but here is a couple of shots...

not sure where I should post any more pics, Stu?


Corner House 1 040617.JPG

Corner House 4 040617.JPG

Corner House 10 040617.JPG

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On 2017-6-2 at 3:36 PM, PaulS said:

Thanks all, Karin is ok, it was at 5mph or so on her part pulling out into the path of a 30mph ish Clio which was very badly damaged and which will be written off I suspect.  Under the skin it looks quite OK, - mechanical damage still to be assessed when I have a new knuckle joint fitted as it does not steer at present....  The only damage to the inner wing is where the front wing lower support bracket fits - that was pushed back into and bent the point it mounts on back into the engine bay by around a half inch. 

Just got the wing off and the arch liner is a bit bent and has split the front lower end but if there is no spare available, I will see what I can do with a hot air gun and plastic stapeller.  Off on hols for a couple of weeks then will pick up sorting it out when I am back.

Took the pennypinching step of putting it on SORN for now.... might as well save some cash as the accident was at the end of May and it is unlikely to be back on the road before July anyhow!

Any news from the workshop? :rolleyes:


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3 hours ago, hughezee said:

Looking good Bill


Nothing to really report been so busy ATM not even been out in my coupe, plus MOT has expired now :rolleyes:

Thanks Stu....

Yes, I gave it a well-earned clean the other day. :)

Talking of MOT, Mine is next month..... Not looking forward to it to be honest - never am! :(

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11 minutes ago, Mangoman said:

Talking of MOT, Mine is next month..... Not looking forward to it to be honest - never am! :(

Yours or the cars Bill? :wacko::P Good luck either way or both ways maybe! ;):D

3 hours ago, hughezee said:


Nothing to really report been so busy ATM not even been out in my coupe, plus MOT has expired now :rolleyes:

I know the feeling Stu! Life has been hectic for me as well! Need to get Flex Mot'd though, you'll be getting CWS (Coupé Withdrawal Symptoms) if you're not careful! ;):D

20 minutes ago, Retro Rich said:

It was then a case of fitting the new earth loom. It bolts between the transmission housing, battery and chassis. Once fitted, a layer of wax seal was applied to all concealed surfaces and reassembly reversal of removal. It has driven beautifully since.

All great work Rich! Nice to see someone else who does preventive maintenance (like waxing/painting things) at the same time as routine maintenance! ;):D

As for me, lately i've mainly just driven my Coupé although a couple of days ago the lower steel coolant pipe suddenly started urinating coolant over the floor. A friend has made me a replacement out of copper pipe so i need to paint it and find a couple of rubber lined "P" clips to mount it. ;):D

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