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Everything posted by TANNERS

  1. Whats the crack with uprating the suspension. Lowering.stiffening ????
  2. Ye showing the existing car wiring. I think it could be a lot simpler instal as some of the wires pass each other
  3. Has anyone acquired a wiring diagram for the radio nav screen for the car ??
  4. Got the thing powered today with radio. Bluetooth working.
  5. The screen looks the bollocks fair play. Just no instructions. They tell u to look at the YouTube video. Which is in Russian.
  6. Kit came . Instructions are a Russian YouTube video. Really hard to follow I've marked up most of the loom.
  7. just started the installation of my screen. All original equipment has been removed and I'm starting the wiring ANY HELP GREATFULLY RECIEVED
  8. NO LUCK WITH THE KEYLESS, BUT HEAD UNIT IS ALL RIPPED OUT. got the russian/chinese 10" to go in
  9. Hi what has everyone done with the sat nav. Living with it or is there a suggested conversion???
  10. Got the standard sat Nov and audio. One key. One auto door. Keyless doesn't seem to work . Done led upgrades inside.
  11. Can't find mirror fuses
  12. Pinched the loom when refitting mirror. Blew fuse on indicators. Got mirror back off now. Going to remove completely to work on better...
  13. Otherwise is perfect...
  14. Powered back up. No noise . But not working either .
  15. Got it. Disconnected the little PCB on the motor. Reconnected.
  16. Got the mirror in bits. Struggling to get the main clearer off to get at motor bits.
  17. Right hand drivers mirror just shit itself.. Retracting the mirrors and the driver's didn't come out just constant motor noise. Tried helping it. Solid . Still motor noise. Heard a click ( probably me breaking it ) now floppy . Motor still going...........
  18. https://photos.google.com/album/AF1QipMGkQTAagqxY78dXik7g4LiwlfzGF6mHoEeLJOh/photo/AF1QipMiQqiE00tm-NhHu90PwESHcY5_wY550Myc4nPR
  19. πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘
  20. Ah yes the led is longer isn't it. I'll watch out for that.ordered 10 more should be able to do the interior of they fit
  21. Ordered.πŸ‘tool kit in a case (I need to get on a image hosting site as I'm not used to posting pictures this way). Done the side lights and the puddle lights front. How does the interior roof lights covers come off as it's the switch aswell? #carefully πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚
  22. Ordered.πŸ‘tool kit in a case (I need to get on a image hosting site as I'm not used to posting pictures this way). Done the side lights and the puddle lights front. How does the interior roof lights covers come off as it's the switch aswell? #carefully πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚
  23. Had a little look. But can't figure out how the number plate light covers come off??
  24. How do the switch covers come off to get at the lamp
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